Universal Registration Document 2020

3. Non-financial performance

 3.3.3 Equality, diversity and inclusion(1)

In keeping with its responsibility to promote equality, respect for diversity and inclusive values, the EDF group is committed to developing concrete action to promote equality in the workplace and occupational and social integration for disabled people, combating sexism, violence and all forms of discrimination and developing support for parents. As a socially responsible employer, the Group is committed to maintaining and perfecting a high level of social dialogue and strives to secure the skills required for the Group’s business lines over the long term, by integrating all aspects of sustainable development into its operations and projects and giving employees an opportunity to develop their employability throughout their careers. Workplace equality

Through the CSR goals, the global CSR agreement and its code of ethics, the EDF group takes concrete action, measures the progress made and sets targets for gender equality in the workplace.

2020 was marked by:

  • the adoption of the Ambition Mixité (destination diversity) plan, mainly designed to increase the number of women sitting on Management Committees and the number of female executives in the Group. By the end of 2020, 25.8% of the Group’s employees were women and 28.7% of Management Committee members were women (target of 28% by 2023);
  • the publication of a gender equality index showing a good level for EDF and most of the Group’s subsidiaries, with a score of 95 points out of 100 for EDF (95 points in 2019);
  • in-depth work on equal pay for women and men, conducted in partnership with the Institut national des études démographiques (National Institute for Demographic Studies or INED), to identify the sources of the gender pay gap, with a particular focus in 2019 on the impact of additional pay components (on-call pay, overtime, additional hours, seniority bonuses, etc.). In particular, the situation was analysed at the divisional level, to examine the gaps based on the business line environments and the characteristics of more homogeneous groups;
  • continuation of the revised support systems for parents and family carers, under the “Family Rights” agreement signed in the Electricity and Gas Industries (EGI) branch. Some rights have been improved, to take into account the position of single-parent families and parents of disabled children;
  • use of awareness-raising/training tools and measures to prevent and combat sexist behaviour and the risk of bullying and sexual harassment for all target groups (management, HR, staff representatives, medical and social teams and employees);
  • operational implementation of support, awareness-raising and assistance measures for employees who are victims of domestic or family violence, in partnership with the Company’s medical and social teams and the FIT, une femme un toit association in particular. More than 140 victims were assisted under this scheme in 2019;
  • as a result of the impact of the Covid health crisis, including on the 2020 social agenda, the management and all social partners have agreed that the Workplace Equality agreement should be extended at EDF for one year. The agreement is now a unanimous agreement;
  • signature of a GEEIS(2) -IA commitment charter on the use of inclusive artificial intelligence without gender stereotypes in all business processes and environments.

Since 2014, the EDF group and some of its subsidiaries have decided to apply for an international certification (GEEIS certification, renewable every four years) to assess the quality and relevance of their commitments to gender diversity and equality in the workplace. The certification was successfully renewed in 2019 and, for the very first time, it was extended to all the Group’s other fields of action in terms of diversity and inclusion. In France, the equal pay aspect is now shown through the new gender equality index, which is compulsory for all companies with more than 50 employees. The Group’s commitment

In 2019, EDF’s Executive Committee decided to strengthen the Company’s gender diversity goals by implementing them at the Group level for the very first time, with the aim of setting an industry benchmark. This Group gender diversity goal is based on three commitments.

Breaking the glass ceiling right up to the top levels of responsibility and governance of the Group, and reaching the following targets:
  • 28% of Management Committee members should be women by 2023 (Group wide);
  • 28% of executives and future executives should be women by 2030, increased to 30% in 2021;
  • 40% of directors appointed by EDF to the boards of directors of Group companies should be women by 2023.
Developing gender diversity in science, digital technology and innovation, mainly by:
  • continuing to increase awareness among young women of scientific, technical and digital careers;
  • encouraging more women to take up careers in the digital professions;
  • improving the integration of gender diversity in the Group’s innovation systems (EDF Pulse, “Parlons Énergie” (Let’s talk about energy), Project Y, etc.).
Developing gender diversity in internal and external representation of the Group, mainly by:
  • encouraging women to take part in the Group’s public interventions (EDF is a signatory of the #jamaissanselle charter);
  • ensuring gender fair communication, meaning non-sexist and with an equal gender balance. Measuring progress
Key performance indicator

The key indicator used by the Group for gender diversity is the percentage of women members of the Management Committees of Group entities.

The percentage of women sitting on Management Committees stood at 28.7% in 2020, meaning that the target was exceeded two years early, also in line with the percentage of female managers in the Group in 2020 (28.8%).

Gender balance index: percentage of women in the Management Committees of the Group's entities (%)

2018 : 26,3

2019 : 27,3

2020 : 28,7

Target  2023 : 28

Key non-financial performance indicator

The methodology for this indicator is set out in detail in section "Details on performance indicators".

(1) Social dialogue is related to these types of issues, but this is explained in the “CSR governance” section, in section “Social dialogue”.

(2) Gender Equality European and International Standard: EDF holds the international GEEIS certification, in collaboration with the Arborus fund, as certified by Bureau Veritas.This certification assesses the workplace equality programmes of three Group companies (EDF in the UK, Fenice and EDF SA) and the Group itself.