(in millions of euros) | Bonds | Loans from financial institutions | Other financial liabilities | Lease liability (1) | Accrued interest | Total |
Balances at 31/12/2018 | Balances at 31/12/2018 Bonds 50,401 | Balances at 31/12/2018 Loans from financial institutions 3,098 | Balances at 31/12/2018 Other financial liabilities 4,026 | Balances at 31/12/2018 Lease liability (1)324 | Balances at 31/12/2018 Accrued interest 1,339 | Balances at 31/12/2018 Total 59,188 |
IFRS 16 restatements (see note 2.1) | IFRS 16 restatements (see note 2.1) Bonds - | IFRS 16 restatements (see note 2.1) Loans from financial institutions - | IFRS 16 restatements (see note 2.1) Other financial liabilities - | IFRS 16 restatements (see note 2.1) Lease liability (1)4,492 | IFRS 16 restatements (see note 2.1) Accrued interest - | IFRS 16 restatements (see note 2.1) Total 4,492 |
Restated balances at 01/01/2019 | Restated balances at 01/01/2019 Bonds 50,401 | Restated balances at 01/01/2019 Loans from financial institutions 3,098 | Restated balances at 01/01/2019 Other financial liabilities 4,026 | Restated balances at 01/01/2019 Lease liability (1)4,816 | Restated balances at 01/01/2019 Accrued interest 1,339 | Restated balances at 01/01/2019 Total 63,680 |
Increases | Increases Bonds 3,025 | Increases Loans from financial institutions 1,789 | Increases Other financial liabilities 4,266 | Increases Lease liability (1)544 | Increases Accrued interest 188 | Increases Total 9,812 |
Decreases | Decreases Bonds (3,336) | Decreases Loans from financial institutions (533) | Decreases Other financial liabilities (2,679) | Decreases Lease liability (1)(721) | Decreases Accrued interest (185) | Decreases Total (7,454) |
Translation adjustments | Translation adjustments Bonds 311 | Translation adjustments Loans from financial institutions 32 | Translation adjustments Other financial liabilities 26 | Translation adjustments Lease liability (1)26 | Translation adjustments Accrued interest - | Translation adjustments Total 395 |
Changes in scope of consolidation(2) | Changes in scope of consolidation (2)Bonds - | Changes in scope of consolidation (2)Loans from financial institutions (1,266) | Changes in scope of consolidation (2)Other financial liabilities (17) | Changes in scope of consolidation (2)Lease liability (1)3 | Changes in scope of consolidation (2)Accrued interest - | Changes in scope of consolidation (2)Total (1,280) |
Changes in fair value | Changes in fair value Bonds 2,047 | Changes in fair value Loans from financial institutions - | Changes in fair value Other financial liabilities (38) | Changes in fair value Lease liability (1)- | Changes in fair value Accrued interest - | Changes in fair value Total 2,009 |
Other changes | Other changes Bonds - | Other changes Loans from financial institutions 19 | Other changes Other financial liabilities 367 | Other changes Lease liability (1)(158) | Other changes Accrued interest (11) | Other changes Total 217 |
BALANCES AT 31/12/2019 | BALANCES AT 31/12/2019 Bonds 52,448 | BALANCES AT 31/12/2019 Loans from financial institutions 3,139 | BALANCES AT 31/12/2019 Other financial liabilities 5,952 | BALANCES AT 31/12/2019 Lease liability (1)4,510 | BALANCES AT 31/12/2019 Accrued interest 1,331 | BALANCES AT 31/12/2019 Total 67,380 |
(1) At 31 December 2018 this consists of loans related to finance-leased assets.
At 31 December 2019, finance-leased assets are included in the lease liability.
(2) Changes in the scope of consolidation essentially concern the effect of loss of control over NnG (see note 3.4.5).
A breakdown of the issuance and repayments of borrowings presented in the cash flow statement is presented below:
(in millions of euros) | Bonds | Loans from financial institutions | Other financial liabilities | Lease liability | Termination of hedging derivatives | 31/12/2019 |
Issuance of borrowings | Issuance of borrowings Bonds 3,025 | Issuance of borrowings Loans from financial institutions 1,789 | Issuance of borrowings Other financial liabilities 4,266 | Issuance of borrowings Lease liability - | Issuance of borrowings Termination of hedging derivatives - | Issuance of borrowings 31/12/2019 9,080 |
Repayments of borrowings | Repayments of borrowings Bonds (3,336) | Repayments of borrowings Loans from financial institutions (533) | Repayments of borrowings Other financial liabilities (2,679) | Repayments of borrowings Lease liability (721) | Repayments of borrowings Termination of hedging derivatives 293 | Repayments of borrowings 31/12/2019 (6,976) |
Loans and other financial liabilities of the Group’s main entities are as follows:
(in millions of euros) | 31/12/2019 | 31/12/2018 |
EDF and other related subsidiaries(1) | EDF and other related subsidiaries (1)31/12/2019 56,777 | EDF and other related subsidiaries (1)31/12/2018 48,650 |
EDF Energy(2) | EDF Energy (2)31/12/2019 3,711 | EDF Energy (2)31/12/2018 3,345 |
EDF Renewables | EDF Renewables 31/12/2019 5,438 | EDF Renewables 31/12/2018 5,741 |
Edison(3) | Edison (3)31/12/2019 654 | Edison (3)31/12/2018 549 |
Other | Other 31/12/2019 800 | Other 31/12/2018 903 |
(1) Enedis, EDF PEI, EDF International, EDF Holding SAS, C3 and EDF Investissements Groupe.
(2) Including holding companies.
(3) Edison excluding TdE SpA.
At 31 December 2019, none of these entities had defaulted on any borrowing.