In measuring the fair value of unlisted financial instruments (essentially energy contracts), the Group uses valuation models based on a certain number of assumptions subject to unforeseeable developments.
As explained in note 1.3.7, the quantities of energy supplied but not yet measured and billed are calculated at the reporting date based on consumption statistic models and selling price estimates. Determination of the unbilled portion of sales revenues at the year-end is sensitive to the assumptions used to prepare these statistics and estimates.
In view of the specific nature of French public electricity distribution concessions, the Group has opted to present its obligation to replace concession assets in the balance sheet at a value based on the amount of contractual commitments as calculated and disclosed to the concession-granting authorities in the annual business reports (see note An alternative approach would be to value the obligations based on the present value of future payments necessary to replace these assets at the end of their industrial useful life. The impacts this alternative approach would have had on the accounts are shown in note 1.3.22 for information. Whatever valuation method is used, measurement of the concession liability concerning assets to be replaced is notably subject to unforeseeable developments in terms of costs, useful life and disbursement dates.
The use of estimates and assumptions over recovery horizons is particularly important in the recognition of deferred tax assets.
A list of the main subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures is presented in note 53.
Subsidiaries are companies in which the Group exercises exclusive control and are fully consolidated. The Group controls an entity when the three following conditions are fulfilled:
The Group considers all facts and circumstances when assessing control. All substantive potential voting rights exercisable, including by another party, are also taken into consideration.
An associate is an entity in which the Group exercises significant influence on financial and operational policies without having exclusive or joint control. Significant influence is presumed to exist when the Group’s investment is at least 20%.
A joint venture is a partnership in which the parties (joint venturers) that exercise joint control over the entity have rights to the entity’s net assets. Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an entity operated jointly by a limited number of partners or shareholders, such that the financial and operational policies result from unanimous consent of the parties.
Investments in associates and joint ventures are accounted for by the equity method. They are carried in the balance sheet at historical cost, adjusted for the share in net assets generated after the acquisition, less any impairment. The share in the net income for the period is reported in “Share in net income of associates and joint ventures” in the income statement.
A joint operation is a joint arrangement in which the parties (joint operators) that exercise joint control over the entity have direct rights to its assets, and obligations for its liabilities. The Group, as an operator in a joint operation, reports the assets and liabilities and income and expenses related to its investment line by line.
The Group’s principal joint operations are the LNG optimisation activities of Jera Global Markets, co-owned by EDF Trading, and the gas storage operator activity carried out by Friedeburger Speicherbetriebsgesellschaft GmbH (FSG).
Assets and liabilities contributing to working capital used in the entity’s normal operating cycle are classified as current in the consolidated balance sheet. Other assets and liabilities are classified as current if they mature within one year of the closing date, and non-current if they mature more than one year after the closing date.
The income statement presents items by nature. The heading “Other income and expenses” presented below the operating profit before depreciation and amortisation comprises items of an unusual nature or amount.