Indicators pertaining to “short-lived Very Low Level radioactive Waste (VLLW) from operations and from decommissioning” take into account:
Indicators pertaining to “Short Lived Low and Intermediate Level radioactive Waste (short lived LLW and ILW) from activity and from decommissioning” take the following into account:
Since 2016, the reduction in the volume contributed by treatment before storage (by ANDRA) has also applied to short-lived VLLW and also to packages sent by Centraco, where applicable. It includes the reduction in volume resulting from treatment before storage (the case of super-compacted waste).
For the indicator “Long-Lived High- and Intermediate-Level solid radioactive Waste” (HILW-LL), the packaging of the waste is taken into account in the calculation.
Given the technical constraints linked to processing operations, the packages are produced approximately ten years after the fuel has effectively generated waste. The indicator is thus an estimate that relies on the long existence of current practices of packaging of Long-Lived waste that projects the current packaging ratio into the near future (number of packages effectively created following the processing of one tonne of fuel). This ratio essentially depends on the mixtures used to optimise the operations and is a combination:
Radioactive waste data from Framatome in France is similar to EDF’s dismantling waste and so can be consolidated. Internationally, Class A waste (USA and Belgium) are not consolidated with French figures. Radioactive waste is shipped and handled in accordance with domestic regulations in force in each country.
The data relating to the indicator “Intermediate-Level radioactive Waste” of nuclear activities of EDF Energy, are founded on the inventory of radioactive waste produced during the year, established by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority. This is an estimate of the annual volume of waste that will be considered and classified as Intermediate-Level radioactive Waste at the end-of-life of the nuclear generation sites. These estimates include packaging necessary to allow the transport of wastes off site. All of the Intermediate-Level radioactive Waste is temporarily stored at the nuclear generation sites while waiting for a national decision on their final processing. The national inventory was updated in 2019 and the inventory was published on the official site of the “UK Radioactive Waste Inventory”.
“Low Level radioactive Waste” includes desiccants that are sent for processing in the form of Intermediate-Level Waste in compliance with applicable regulations.
For Dalkia, the quantity of electricity is measured. The quantity of heat generated using renewable energies is estimated through benchmark yields based on renewable fuel consumption.
A KPI is currently being considered to supplement the results presented in the dedicated part §
Since 2011, the population considered in data collection is all employees who have a non-suspended employment contract with one of the Group’s companies.
For entities having left the consolidation scope during the year in question:
The workforce includes employees shared between EDF and ENGIE. An employee working 50% for EDF is counted for 0.5 in the published workforce.
The indicators “Other arrivals” and “Other departures” include:
These movements are thus not recognised in hires, resignations or redundancies.
In its calculation of absenteeism, EDF includes absences for the following reasons: absences due to sickness, work and travel related injuries as well as absences due to other reasons such as unpaid leave and unjustified absences. Absences related to company and union activities, pre-retirement leave and maternity leave are not included. The number of hours worked used in the calculation of the absenteeism rate is the number of hours theoretically worked.
Absences due to part-time work on health grounds are taken into account to the tune of 50% of the contractual working time.
The data reported by Framatome in relation to the number of days of absence for illness in 2019 is limited to employees working in France, i.e. 9,132 out of a total workforce of 14,630.
At the Group level, the “average number of absences” is the sum of absences due to sickness, counted in days worked in proportion to time worked by employees and absences due to work-related accidents, counted in calendar days.
As regards temporary employees and service providers, the accidents are declared by the temporary employment agency and by the service provider’s employer in accordance with applicable local labour regulations. These include accidents that occurred in the course of work performed on behalf of EDF group on its facilities, equipment, sites, networks, etc. Activities conducted by service providers on their own sites, outside EDF group’s facilities, are not taken into account.