The Group’s development strategy, changes in the scope of activities and synergies within the integrated Group, risk not being implemented in accordance with the objectives defined by the Group, even though it faces increased competition on European energy markets, particularly on the French electricity market, which is its main market.
Criticality in view of the control actions undertaken: Strong.
In France, since 1 July 1 2007, the electricity market has been totally open to competition. All EDF customers can select their electricity supplier (see section “Presentation of the market in France”). In a context of escalating competitive intensity (new customer expectations, new regulations, emergence of new players, mergers between existing operators, changes in market prices, etc.), these changes, at constant consumption and price levels, have had and may have in the future a negative impact on the Group’s sales in France. EDF must therefore adjust its marketing expenses; insufficient adjustment could have a negative impact on its profitability.
Elsewhere in Europe, the Group faces different situations, depending on the local competitive conditions (totally or partially open markets, position of competitors, regulations, etc.). The type of competition faced by the Group, the evolution over time of such competition and its effect on the Group’s activities and results vary from one country to another. These factors depend in particular on the market depth and its regulations in the country in question and on other factors over which the Group has no control.
In this context, particularly following the development of low-carbon electricity uses and energy services and energy efficiency, the Group may not be able to defend market share or gain market shares as expected, or it may see its margins decrease, which would have an adverse effect on its activities, its strategy and its financial position.
In addition, the Group, in line with corporate responsibility objective no. 1 aimed protecting the climate, (see section “EDF, a company committed to climate issues (CSRG no. 1)”), and objective no. 4, (see section 3.2.2 “EDF, a company standing shoulder to shoulder its customers (CSRG no. 4)”) intends to continue its development as a high-performance and responsible electricity company, championing low-carbon growth in France, in its core countries in Europe (United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium) and in the other countries where the Group operates in accordance with the CAP2030 strategy. This strategy combines the search for growth drivers with the promotion of existing assets. The strategy and drivers of the Group’s transformation are described in section 1.3 “Group Strategy”.
Weak synergy in the deployment of the Group’s integrated model, particularly upstream/downstream or in the enhancement of the complementarity of the divisions and the diversity of the solutions deployed by the Group, (see section 1.4 “Description of the Group’s activities”), could lead to an increase in risks related to physical and market contingencies, and to a loss of gross margin, to the detriment of customers, subsidiaries and the Group’s performance. In addition, insufficient emphasis on geographic diversification, or on the diversification and complementarity of the low-carbon industrial solutions offered by the Group, or a reduction in the cross-functional synergies deployed within the integrated Group could lead to a reduction in the Group’s ability to deal with the seasonal nature of the electricity generation and sales business, the diversity of local expectations and the proximity of its customers and stakeholders, and the efficiency and therefore the competitiveness of the low-carbon industrial solutions implemented.
The Group is implementing development, adaptation and reorganisation programmes and performance plans in order to give itself the means to carry out its strategy. These programmes may be complemented by a strategic analysis of assets which may itself lead to a requirement for additional financial agility, giving rise to disposals or acquisitions.
Focused primarily on its customers and stakeholders, the Group intends to develop and consolidate its offer of integrated service solutions, in particular energy efficiency services, its offer of low-carbon and decentralised power generation solutions, and its offer of diffuse storage solutions, in a sustainable development approach and in close proximity to customers and local communities. This transformation may not be sufficient or rapid enough in the face of technological and societal changes and strong competition.
The Solar Plan, the Electric Storage Plan and the Electric Mobility Plan are three major levers for developing and expanding the range of low-carbon energy solutions offered by the Group in addition to the industrial solutions already widely available within the Group, particularly wind, hydro and nuclear power.
Even in the event of protective contractual arrangements, the Group cannot guarantee that these various projects relating to its offer or to the various low-carbon industrial solutions deployed to meet them can be implemented according to the forecast schedules and under satisfactory economic, financial, regulatory, partnership or legal conditions or that they will ensure a long-term response to the needs expressed by our customers and stakeholders and the expected profitability at the outset, which could have a negative impact on the Group’s financial position, its commitment to the fight against climate change, and its reputation.
Nuclear costs and changes in these costs (new nuclear projects, major “Grand carénage” refurbishment projects, etc.) and the Group’s ability to finance them could force the Group to reconsider the rate at which it deploys its strategy.
To achieve its strategic transformation objectives, the adaptation programs implemented by the Group rely largely on individual and collective employee mobilisation. However, this mobilisation may not be sufficient due to an industrial relations environment which has deteriorated as a result of the changes linked to these adaptations affecting in particular the Group’s organisation, or linked to more general developments (pension reforms in particular).
The Group is exposed to physical effects of climate change that could have consequences on its own industrial and tertiary facilities and more generally on the Group’s financial position. The societal, technological and economic context may not be favourable to the Group’s low-carbon solutions for the transition to address climate change challenges.
Criticality in view of the control actions undertaken: Strong.
EDF group facilities are closely linked to water, wind and solar resources; the overall reliability of the power system depends on the resilience to climatic conditions of generation facilities and distribution and transmission network infrastructures. As a result of this sensitivity to climatic conditions, the EDF group’s activities are likely to be significantly affected by the physical effects of climate change, both in terms of chronic effects and an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme climatic events. To address these risks, the Group’s operating entities must regularly update their climate change adaptation plans, based whenever possible on IPCC scenarios, in order to review the measures taken and to be taken. In addition, periodic reviews are carried out on nuclear and hydraulic installations, incorporating both feedback and climate change projections; this is a key cornerstone of the robustness of the installations. Since the 1990s, the EDF group has been building up specific R&D expertise on climate change issues, invested in collaborative research projects to support these actions.
However, the effects of climate change present many uncertainties. Despite the actions taken by the EDF group, they could adversely affect the continuity of the Group’s business, its operating results, its cash flows and more generally its operating performance.
The CAP 2030 strategic project reflects the Group’s goal of being the “champion of low-carbon growth”. Most of the Group’s investments are oriented towards this low-carbon strategy. This strategy reinforces corporate responsibility objective no. 1 in favour of the climate (see section “EDF, a company committed to climate issues (CSRG no. 1)”). In 2018, the Group had already made a commitment to significantly reduce its carbon dioxide emissions, with a target of 30 million tonnes in 2030 instead of 51 million tonnes in 2017 (40% reduction). EDF also confirms this goal in 2020 with the “Business Ambition for 1.5 degrees” initiative. EDF keeps. stating its ambition of becoming carbon neutral by 2050 and makes new commitments in this regard to reduce its direct emissions by 50% by 2030 (scope 1) and to reduce its indirect emissions (scope 3).